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Dear Parents,
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope that you all had an enjoyable and restful break and were able to spend some quality time together as a family.
It is great to see everyone back at school and we all have our fingers crossed that we can continue to teach and learn on site. Being on site allows the teachers to create a challenging yet supportive learning environment that targets the specific learning needs of your child. As a staff, we strive to meet these individual needs and are driven to provide teaching and learning opportunities that accelerate the academic progress of all. Whilst parents are still unable to visit school due to the current restrictions, we value the important role you play in your child’s development. To ensure we continue this partnership between home and school, please contact the school and arrange to talk with myself or your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
In light of the current outbreak of COVID-19 in Melbourne, we are continuing with the precautions that we had in place last term. Please be mindful of others when dropping off or picking up your child and adhere to social distancing expectations. At school, the students will continue to utilise good hygiene habits and increased cleaning of school equipment and high traffic areas will continue throughout the day.
We understand that for working parents, having sick children can create stress, however it is vitally important that you keep your child home from school if they are showing any of the following symptoms:
-chills or sweats
-sore throat
-shortness of breath
-runny nose
-loss of sense of smell
If your child exhibits any of these symptoms during the school day, you will be contacted and asked to arrange for them to be picked up.
Heesco Mural
Thank you to those families that have shared their thoughts and ideas on the design of our Heesco mural. We have already had some kind donations from families and businesses and the planning is under way. Hopefully I will be able to share some more information with you about this in the coming weeks. We are very excited by this project and believe it will be a great addition to our school.
Enrolments are now open for 2021. All families that have a child starting Foundation next year are encouraged to enrol now. An enrolment form can be picked up from the school office or downloaded from our school website. We have had a number of enquiries, however if you know of any new families who may be interested in starting at St Mary’s, please encourage them to contact the school. School tours are available after school hours by appointment and we welcome the opportunity to showcase what a great school St Mary’s is.
Kind regards,
Thursday 16th July - Lunch orders need to be in by 3.15pm
Friday 17th July - Raffle Tickets Due Hot Lunch Day
Thursday 23rd July - Crazy Clothes & Crazy Hair Day
Monday 31st August - School Photos
Friday 18th September—Last Day of Term 3
Monday 5th October - Term 4 Starts
Monday 5th - Wednesday 7th October - Grade 3/4 School Camp to Forest Lodge
Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st October - Grade 5/6 School Camp to Melbourne
Monday 2nd November - School Closure Day
Tuesday 3rd November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 18th December - Last Day of Term 4
Important Message about School Fees
Important Message About School Fees
Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians
I wish to reassure families impacted financially by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that we want to assist you in every way possible to continue your child(ren)’s enrolment at St Mary's Primary School.
As many in our school community grapple with unprecedented changes to finances, emotional wellbeing and physical health, we have taken a clear position on enrolments.
Any parent, carer or guardian who wishes their child to receive a Catholic education at St Mary's Primary School will not be denied the opportunity to do so due to financial circumstances.
If you have concerns about your financial situation, please contact Heather at the school office, so that we can explore confidential financial support arrangements to enable your child(ren)’s education at our school to continue.
School fees are an essential portion of resources for the operation of our school and assist our leaders and staff to enhance curriculum and teaching programs. Therefore, we are asking, for those who can, to continue to support the school financially.
We will respond to applications for financial assistance as promptly as possible, given our own constraints during this time. We are absolutely committed to working with our families as we all move through these challenging times.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact St Mary's Primary School.
Thank you for your continued support of our St Mary's Yarram community.
Your support will enable us to continue to provide quality learning opportunities and strong pastoral programs for all our students.
Yours sincerely
Joel Brayshaw
If you have a child or know of anyone wishing to enrol their child in 2021, please contact the school or download a Parent Handbook and Enrolment Form. Enrolment forms may be emailed to or dropped of at the school office.
From a tiny Mustard Seed grows God's Family Tree
"The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in the field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds, but when it is grown it is the greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in the branches." Mathew 13:31-32
The Arts in the Senior Class
Students are in the process of designing artwork for our Sensory Garden Fence.
The children are making a nature weaving frame for a buddy in the junior classsroom.
REMINDER: we still are collecting bottle tops for our Sensory Gaden Artwork
AND to help the panda start the day with bamboo, God gave the bear a sixth finger! This finger is a bit like a thumb, and it grows out of the Panda bear's WRIST. This makes it easy for the Panda to hold the bamboo stalk while it strips off the coarse outside and then eats the inside. And the panda needs all the help because it strips and eats about 600 bamboo stems every day!
You might never see a giant panda bear because it lives in the misty mountain forest of China, but you might see some of the other kinds of bears God made if you visit a zoo- the black bear, the brown bear, the grizzly bear and the polar bear.
Actually, a zoo would be the beary best place to see any kind of bear because none of them are very friendly to people- except the teddy bear!
The next School Advisory Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, 25th August 2020 @ 5.15pm
Firewood Raffle - Trailer load of firewood delivered to your home.
Reminder that Raffle Tickets need to be returned to School on Friday, 17th July!
20 tickets per book @$1.00 per ticket (write names on both sides).
Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday, 21st July.
Thank you to the Cook family for kindly donating a trailer load of wood for the raffle.
We are always looking for new members for our P & F Committee. If you can help in any way, small or large we would love to have you on the team.
New members means many hands make light work and new ideas!!!
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays- Winter Uniform
Girls Winter Uniform:
- Grey tunic, grey skorts or grey pants
- White long-sleeved polo shirt with emblem
- Grey tights/grey socks
- Royal blue school jumper
- Black leather school shoes
- Blue/white or grey ribbons
- Blue/black/grey or white scarf and beanie
Boys Winter Uniform :
- Grey school pants
- White long-sleeved polo shirt with emblem
- Blue school jumper
- Grey socks, black leather school shoes or boots
- Blue/black/grey or white scarf and beanie
Tuesdays & Thursdays—Sports Uniform
Girls Sports Uniform:
- Royal blue track pants/ shorts or sports skorts
- Royal blue sports polo with emblem
- Royal blue sports jacket
- White socks
- Sneakers
Boys Sports Uniform:
- Royal blue track pants or shorts
- Royal blue sports polo with emblem
- Royal blue sports jacket
- White socks
- Sneakers
Students are to wear their royal blue school jumper with their winter uniform and the sports jacket is for an extra layer if needed at recess and lunchtime or coming/going to school.
Sneakers are only to be worn on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Grade 6 Students may wear their Grade 6 Polo on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
School canteen lunches are on Fridays. All lunch orders are to be in by Thursdays at 3.15pm.